Monday, March 5, 2012

Garden Crafts & Rambling

I have not been crafty in a lonnnng time. Perhaps it's because my craft room looked like this.

You can go ahead and judge me (head down in shame). I know it's really bad. The good news is, the rest of my house doesn't look like that and now my craft room looks like this.

"I am NEVER gonna let it get that bad again." Said me, every time I clean it.

Now that it's clean, I actually want to make stuff again. It's like a breath of fresh. I am decorating our back patio this year. It's our first time planting a garden and I want it to look happy yet peaceful. I am going to upcycle as much of the decor as I possibly can. Upcycling is when you turn something old and ugly, into something newer-looking and beautiful.  Upcycling is bittersweet in our household.

DJ thinks of it as more junk in our house. I think of it as an investment into the environment.

DJ thinks of it as more junk in our house. I think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful again.

DJ thinks of it as more junk in our house. I think of it as a great way to spend time together and declutter the house, like we did last weekend.

Crazy man.

I went to the thrift store and found some picture frames, a small chair, and a mini ironing board. All for $11.00. Not bad.

The people that lived in our house before us, left these boots and they have been sitting in our garage since we moved in. I am so glad I didn't trash them.

Cute chair. Just needs some love.

And the mini ironing board. I painted it and Mod Podged some letters on it. Mod Podge is my all time favorite craft supply, by the way. The gloss and smell get me every time.

Here is everything after a little TLC.

I am in love with it all! I am going to make an herb box for my next project.
Spring cannot come soon enough! I have a lot more projects to finish for the patio. I will keep you posted.

Are going to plant a garden this year?

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