Jaxsie went on her first field trip today.
She is growing up way to fast.
Seriously, she JUST came home from the hospital.
This morning was overwhelming to say the least.
The realization that "she's-not-gonna-be-a-baby-forever," hit me this morning. Which lead to mulitple phone calls to my husband expressing my sadness.
I was not mentally prepared for this at all. Just so you get an idea, this what I posted on Facebook about this very situation.
(January 2012)
The director at her preschool, ordered their field trip shirts wayyy to big. So I decided to use some cute ribbon, tie up the sleeves, and make a cute bow so it wouldn't look so big. I did just that and when she looked in the mirror, she said,
"Take it out, mommy. I don't like it."
Then I froze.
Heart sank.
Then this.
And this.
Even though all that was going on on the inside, I did this...
And I took out the bows.
Then I took her to school and she ran up to her friends in the parking lot, looked back at me and said,
"Get my car seat, mom!"
I thought,
"Mom?! What do you mean 'mom?' You mean 'mommy,' right?"
All these daydreams flooded me and I started imagining her driving for the first time, prom...MARRIAGE!
I know, I know, she is only 2, but geeze...I sure wish the time would slow down a bit.