Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Growing Up

Jaxsie went on her first field trip today.

She is growing up way to fast.
Seriously, she JUST came home from the hospital.

This morning was overwhelming to say the least.

 The realization that "she's-not-gonna-be-a-baby-forever," hit me this morning. Which lead to mulitple phone calls to my husband expressing my sadness.

 I was not mentally prepared for this at all. Just so you get an idea, this what I posted on Facebook about this very situation.

(January 2012)

The director at her preschool, ordered their field trip shirts wayyy to big. So I decided to use some cute ribbon, tie up the sleeves, and make a cute bow so it wouldn't look so big. I did just that and when she looked in the mirror, she said,
"Take it out, mommy. I don't like it."

Then I froze.
Heart sank.
Then this.

And this.

Even though all that was going on on the inside, I did this...

And I took out the bows.

Then I took her to school and she ran up to her friends in the parking lot, looked back at me and said,
 "Get my car seat, mom!"

I thought,
"Mom?! What do you mean 'mom?' You mean 'mommy,' right?"
 All these daydreams flooded me and I started imagining her driving for the first time, prom...MARRIAGE!

I know, I know, she is only 2, but geeze...I sure wish the time would slow down a bit.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Old and Lame

Hi everyone!
It's been awhile.
I could go on and on about how busy I am, but I'll spare you.
 I am busy, but my life is best explained in this video.

It's the truth.
 I am old and lame.
Between being a wife, mom, student, and church stuff, I am pooped.
11pm is a late bedtime and 9am is what I consider "sleeping in."
When I used to be in school, I didn't want to study because I wanted to party.
Nowww, it's because I want to sleep.
My youthful appearance is only a facade. On the inside, I am old and grey.
Yup, just an old lady who enjoys watching 20/20 specials and Shark Tank on a Friday night.
Old. Old. Old.
Like probably 70, trapped in a 20 something year old body. 
And don't forget lame.
I catch myself jammin' out to Jaxsen's favorite song when she's not even in the car with me!!!

(That's her favorite song. You gotta admit though, the beat is quite nice.)

Needless to say, you can find me in this position most nights.

(I'm not actually a knitter, but you get the point.)

Please, tell me you can relate!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

True Story of Trash Love

Dear Window,

I want you to know that I have great plans for you. When I saw you in my mom's neighbor's trash, it was love at first sight. I'll never forget running down the street to get you as the trash man pulled up to the corner. He starred me down but I grabbed you and ran back to my mom's house. He thought he had you, but don't worry, I held you as tight as possible and I would have never let go. It's okay. You don't have to thank me for saving you from the crushing trash truck. You are not trash. You're unseen art, boo.
The fight isn't over yet though. I promise to protect you from my husband. His heart is hard and he hates when I bring home "trash." I swear to clean you up this weekend so he won't throw you out behind my back. He's known for that.


*Seriously though, this window is gonna be so cute when I'm done making it over.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

::What's For Breakfast?:: 'Sausage' Gravy Recipe

Tuesday was a not so good day for me. And when I don't have any wine handy, I resort to comfort food. Don't judge.
Everyone needs a good ole sulk fest.
Can I get an amen?
I went to the frig and after what seemed like 5 minutes of staring into it, I decided I would eat some biscuits.
But what the heck are biscuits without gravy?
Not my kind of comfort food, that's what it is.
So I whipped up some gravy and it was simply marvelous.
So great that Jaxsen wanted it for breakfast.

What you need

6-12 biscuits
3-6 Tbs of flour
2 cups of your preferred milk (I suggest soy milk. Don't use Almond Milk)
2 Tbs of Earth Balance butter 
Salt and pepper to taste 
1 teaspoon of garlic salt
1/4 cup of vegan 'meat' crumbles (I used Smart Ground by Lightlife) or sausage
1 teaspoon of oil

First, bake your biscuits according to the instructions on the package. 
Then combine the butter and soy milk and cook over medium heat. Once the butter is melted, add the flour. If you like your gravy watery, only add 3 tablespoons. If you like it thicker, add up to 3 more tablespoons. Only add one tablespoon at a time until you reach your desired consistency. 
Now, add your seasonings. Stir frequently and let it cook for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the oil in the skillet and add your 'meat' crumbles. Cook for 5 minutes. Once the 'meat' crumbles are done, combine them with the gravy and stir.
Reduce the heat to low and let it cook for 2 more minutes.
Your biscuits should be ready by now. Butter the tops of the biscuits and then top the biscuits with your yummy gravy.



Friday, July 27, 2012


Take a nap. Number one task on my to do list today. Not only my number task, but Most Important Task. Priorities, folks, you gotta have priorities.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meet Kojo, My Dogson

Have you met Kojo?
Kojo is my second child.
And I am his adopted mother.
So I guess that would make him my dogson.
Not Dachshund. But dogson.
My dog that I consider my son.

Dogson is a new word of mine and I can't wait to use it!

Random stranger: Your dog is so cute!
Me: Thanks! He's my dogson, Kojo.
Random stranger: (puzzled look) He doesn't look like a dachshund.
Me: He's not, silly! He's an Irish Wolfhound and Lab mix.

If you were to meet Kojo, you may think he's perhaps a little weird.
Definitely bi-polar, ADHD and a lot socially awkward.

He's just not your typical dog.
I still consider him my other baby.


 Because of moments like this


How lucky am I? Not only do I have an awesome dog, but Jaxsen has a playmate that I didn't have to carry for 9 months. I consider that pretty darn lucky.

So cute.

It's a love/hate thing though. 2 seconds later and she's beating the crap out of him.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Sunshine Says

  Here are Jaxsen's funniest quotes of the week. Homegirl is a little firecracker.

Me: O no! I don't have any spinach for my smoothie!
Jaxsen: (Gasp) THIS IS SERIOUS!

 "Mom, I want boobies for my birfday."  

"Auntie Breezy, your hair looks so skinny today."

Me: (pouring her cereal)
Jaxsen: Is that vegan?!

I am guest posting on Dianapantz blog today!
It's a tutorial on homemade deodorant.
Check it out!

We hope you've had a fabulous weekend! We sure did!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cookin' with Mommy ::Mediterranean Pizza Recipe::

A lot of people ask me how I get little Jaxsie to eat a healthy diet.
My most effective method is, I let her cook with me!
She's a boss in the kitch and it's great bonding time for us.
I think it's a self esteem booster for her too.
We make a huge deal about how she cooked the meal and how yummy it was.
She gets beyond herself with happiness and eats what she made.
Anyways, pizza is our favorite thing to make together.
So today we would like to share with you our Vegan Mediterranean Pizza recipe.
This recipe can be easily unveganified. I love making up words.

Tip: Cooking with children is done best when you're in a good mood.

 1 cute kid
1 pizza crust
2 Tbs of pesto
3 Tbs of red pepper hummus
1/2 cup of kalamata olives, sliced
1/4 cup of basil leaves, shredded
4 white mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup of onions, sliced
1 handful of spinach
1 cup of vegan mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 slices of tomato cut into chunks

First, spread the pesto on the crust.

Then spread the hummus and add the spinach.

Add the onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, olives and basil. I also added feta cheese to half of the pizza for my hubby.

Top with cheese.

Cook the pizza according to the time and temperature on the pizza crust package.
Here is some cuteness to look at while your pizza bakes.

Now that your pizza is ready, ENJOY that thing and praise your baby for the work he or she did.

What's your favorite thing to cook with your kiddos?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

That Time My Car Rolled Into A Wall



I don't know why or what it is, but I do not belong behind the wheel while in a garage. If one more thing happens, I am sure my husband will start making me parking in the driveway. Actually, I am positive of that. He said that I am a danger to society and my license should be revoked. Such a drama queen. A couple months ago, I closed the garage on the trunk of my car. Yes, we do have those little sensor things. I thought the garage was jammed so I reopened it and closed it twice. Which means it hit my trunk 3 times. Yesterday, I forgot to put my car in park and I got out of the car. This happens to everyone once in their life, right? The car rolled into a wall in the garage. Crack-crack-crack went the garage wall. And dent-scratch-scratch went my car. DJ is a paint correction/auto detailing specialist so scratches make him upset to say the least.

He should be happy that his wife is a ninja and that I jumped back in the car and saved the garage from worse damage. Optimism much? 
Ok, I'm done.

P.S. I am going on a road trip today! Yay!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What I've Been Up To

5. Painting and decorating our laundry room. Everyone needs a fun laundry room right?! Kinda. Everyone needs a fun laundry room so that you can trick yourself into thinking that
laundry is fun. Duh! I have glued over 500 clothespins together, and I'm only on "N," to create the word "laundry." I can honestly say, this is the most boring and dumb craft I've ever wasted my time on.

4. Trying to style my wild, curly hair without looking like Diana Ross. This is a struggle.


3. Waking up at the crack of dawn to have some time alone. Is it bad that I put my kid to sleep late so I can have some extra time in the morning? If so, take me to jail.

2. Taking a break from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and good ole Pinterest. Let's just say I've been playing Temple Run on my iPhone...A lot. 

1. Praying for patience. Like hourly. I am convinced that the Fruits of the Spirit were specifically made by God so that toddlers would test their parents and make sure they are using them. And if you're weak in a certain area, that one gets tested even more. For instance, I'm struggling with patience, so God is making sure that my kid works overtime to test my patience.

For example,

Me: Go grab your shoes, Jaxsen.
Jaxsen: NO! (TEST 1)
Me: Don't tell mommy no! Go get your shoes.
Me: Oh Jesus, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience!
Jaxsen: (starts hitting my leg) Mommy, Mommy! What is patience?!?! (Test 3)
Me: (smiling through my teeth) Patience is mommy choosing to smile instead of screaming at the top of my lungs like I would like to. Now go and get your shoes. (Huge grin)

(Que the singing angels)

What have you been up to?


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's The Little Things

I have been having the worst of worst mornings. The kind where all you wanna do is sleep because an ocean of coffee can't wake you up. And your kid is acting like they had an ocean of coffee. And your dog is jumping from couch to couch because your kid is chasing him with a yardstick. Yea, it's that kind of morning. It's a bawling and sobbing kind of morning. Just a bad morning. But Jaxsen just looked at me while I was making her snack and said,

"You a good momma."

My bad morning is not so bad anymore.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Color Run in Pictures

If The Color Run is going to be in your town, sign up ASAP! It is one of the funnest things you'll do in yo life! You can be as fast as Marion Jones or as slow as a turtle to participate. You can even bring your kiddos. Basically, you go to the race wearing a white shirt and as you go through the checkpoints, they throw colored cornstarch on you.
 Hence, The Color Run. I ran with my funnest friend Morgan.
(Apparentely "funnest" isn't a word but I beg to differ.)

Rolling around in the color.

After the run, they had a mini concert and the DJ said he needed some people to come dance on stage.
This is us waiting in line to own that stage.

This is Morgan getting up from doing the worm in front of 10,000 people.
Stage = Owned

It was really an amazing time! Again if it comes to your city, sign up! You won't be disappointed!